Assertiveness Thought Prompts

Tool for improving our Assertive Communication

Hello Reader,

What can we do to improve our Assertiveness?

Firstly, we have to acknowledge that it is not easy. It can be a long journey to become confident in our assertiveness. That being said, I recommend starting with two simple questions to help lean into a mindset of assertive communication:

Assertiveness - Thought Prompts

We need to know what we want to eat before we can ask for it … we need to know what we want to assert before we can communicate it!

We need to know what we want to eat before we can ask for it … we need to know what we want to assert before we can communicate it!

  1. Need - What do I need?

    • Taking the time to be clear on our needs gives us the foundation to assert ourselves effectively. Imagine, for a quick second, trying to assert yourself without knowing what you need to communicate. It is like trying to tell the waiter your food order, but not knowing what you want to eat. It leads to uncertainty, waffling and general inability to clearly express what you want. 

  2. Why - What are the consequences if I do / don’t assert myself?

    • Examining what happens if we do / don’t assert ourselves means that we become much more aware of the importance of that communication - compelling us to act. Urging us to be assertive. Motivating us to speak up.

Starting with these two simple questions help us assert ourselves clearly and effectively.

Happy Doing!

Helping Young Professionals & Postgraduate Students Improve