
Wonderful to have you here!

In this part of the toolshed, there is everything you need to know about improving your assertiveness.

So, feel free to grab whatever tools catch your eye :)

Jono - Founder of Improvus

Assertiveness is the ability to express ourselves without violating the rights of others. 

The first thing I want you to recognise is that assertiveness is an ability, which means we can improve how we communicate our thoughts, opinions, needs, emotions, and ourselves :)

Below, you will find a handful of resources to help you better your assertiveness … happy learning!

What is Assertiveness?

Okay, let’s start right at the beginning and explore the continuum of passive, assertive and aggressive.

Assertiveness is the fine balance between passive and aggressive - it brings together our needs and other’s needs. There is GIVE and TAKE.

Our goal is not to be at the direct centre of the continuum in every situation. Instead, our aim is to be in that central sphere which you can see in the model; being able to dial our assertiveness up and down, but not falling into the extremes.

Go ahead and click on the photo if you would like to dive into the full read.

Assertiveness Exercise and Learnings

Next, I have a wee assertiveness exercise for you to try your hand at, as well as a scattering of resources for you to enjoy at your leisure!

What are the words of Assertiveness? In here, you will find the answer - a re-written paragraph - to the exercise on the left, alongside a couple more insights!

What are the characteristics of Assertive, Passive and Aggressive communication? You can explore the verbal, non-verbal and internal behaviours for the three different spheres.

Assertiveness Log Book this tool helps you understand the patterns of your assertiveness.


Excellent, here, you have a handful more tools which you can add to your psychological toolkit.

I am always looking for feedback or other nifty tools to add to my toolkit - so if you would like to get in touch, please do so!

Treasure #4

If you want to get in touch…


You are very welcome to send over a message on my email. The ones I welcome most enthusiastically are suggestions for new psychological tools ;)

LinkedIn: Jono Elliot

I am super happy to connect with you on LinkedIn. It is best to add a mention in the note about how you discovered me so that I don’t assume you are completely random!


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Feel free to learn and engage with me on either platform.